
ended up on the light

LiuXueQi seemed to lose consciousness, closed her eyes, the body sideways, white face turned to that moment, there appeared to be a comforting dignation.coach alexandra op art leather satchel grey green 44864

Under ZhangXiaoFan stuck in the dark as permanent abyss, ended up on the light before that moment, vaguely heard a sound, then bring JinGuangLiang up.

Next minute, he got into the darkness.

Boundless darkness, as if forever, even one in the nearby that woman, he also see a half point.

Just, in his losing consciousness last, but still know, LiuXueQi and his hand, still hold together, very tight, very tight.

Even he still faintly feel. The hand at this time, so ice, so cool.

Boundless darkness, engulfing the everything.

According to legend, the world this is darkness, and 48000 millennium, followed by a giant god of heaven and earth, and pangu, open mountains; Again lead 48000 millennium, but have nuwa made man.coach alexandra brown op art zip top tote 13548 beige

